India held their first show of the rock band Metalika attached to the company's four police officers were arrested Friday on charges of fraud. The show Friday night was going to be in Gurgaon 'security reasons' citing it was canceled.
They went up on stage and tore posters. Police concert organizer 'DNA' network has been arrested four officers.
Police Ashok, Rajesh, Umesh and Faliyo Saviea the Indian Penal Code - 406 [betrayal] and 420 [fraud] was arrested for.
"DNA network" that he would soon issue a notice to return the money. Metalika is performing in Bangalore on Sunday.
Police Ashok, Rajesh, Umesh and Faliyo Saviea the Indian Penal Code - 406 [betrayal] and 420 [fraud] was arrested for.
"DNA network" that he would soon issue a notice to return the money. Metalika is performing in Bangalore on Sunday.