Mayawati Government of Minister has clouded the lokayukta. chandradev RAM Yadav in all the State small industries Minister but also the post salary pradhanadhyak. in this regard, the complaint from the right found lokayukta. even though the name arrived Thursday on Yadav, but through lawyers meet lokayukta was dismissed by the lokayukta cleaning up to date answers filing Minister 23 Lokayukta justice NK Mehrotra. the reported that three people of azamgarh jointly small industries Minister complained of lokayukta against RAM chandradev. Ministers are abused on post, Kashi to earn millions of assets of the head master post salary secondary school, hajipur village house lands on charges of illegal possession of the College building. Mehrotra said the azamgarh's social welfare officer and basic education officer Report from that Minister with the head master post salary 2006. the colleges are the head master of the College from the State Government said, finally anudanit. how one person lokayukta two posts of responsibility handled. then how can be subject to the Cabinet as head master BSA, BSA is not subject to the same person who is the Cabinet Minister '' when head master post work see Not so why pay. lokayukta pointed out that after finalizing the investigation report 23 by will send its recommendations to the Chief Minister.