In an award ceremony in the capital Wednesday evening, Deputy Chief Minister Sushil Kumar MODI, media ethics, youth talent and reveal his views on topics like the formula of success. the media, especially electronic media, in terms of the coverage, he said the bodies shown on some news channels in an atmosphere of good message is chath. it could have been a udvelit like your point in support of the United States. The biggest terror attack and said the New York location of the twin towers (ground zero), which was recently declared a photo exhibition photo.
After the Court in the capital of the pier around when patient and cure the wounded need immediate best, Patna Medical College Hospital (PMCH) crowd attack. the electronic media to cover the event if the bit is the restraint, not the circumstances so gruesome scene highly chronic inflammatory or bigdate. show, but you avoided the Deputy Chief Minister's opinionsThe debate, but disagree with their opinions about the youth room.
Are your own in good student, and he said that today's generation old, strong and energetic than the assessment of the parkhane indicators. today when high school and inter are the result of the examinations, the number of first class to succeed. Moreover, 85-phisad and more points are also so much more that everyone not on the front page of the newspaper. Various cut-of namchin colleges admission points to reach the top 100 are criteria but also failed to get off today's youth are in Patna university colleges listings quality. standard top. number of pratibhaen of the State's first all-India competitive examinations in the top banner of your success is the latest technology and communication mediums are used to taking risks from careers in the 21st The young talent of the century is blooming on the Government's education. liability is going to increase.
After the Court in the capital of the pier around when patient and cure the wounded need immediate best, Patna Medical College Hospital (PMCH) crowd attack. the electronic media to cover the event if the bit is the restraint, not the circumstances so gruesome scene highly chronic inflammatory or bigdate. show, but you avoided the Deputy Chief Minister's opinionsThe debate, but disagree with their opinions about the youth room.
Are your own in good student, and he said that today's generation old, strong and energetic than the assessment of the parkhane indicators. today when high school and inter are the result of the examinations, the number of first class to succeed. Moreover, 85-phisad and more points are also so much more that everyone not on the front page of the newspaper. Various cut-of namchin colleges admission points to reach the top 100 are criteria but also failed to get off today's youth are in Patna university colleges listings quality. standard top. number of pratibhaen of the State's first all-India competitive examinations in the top banner of your success is the latest technology and communication mediums are used to taking risks from careers in the 21st The young talent of the century is blooming on the Government's education. liability is going to increase.