Diplomatic Missions Of The U.S.

Diplomatic missions of the u.s. Intelligence Agency was spying 38 Indian Embassy. algorithms the u.s. national information agency [NSA] of confidential documents is that Edward has released recently snoden. snoden NIA leaked confidential information to the monitoring program Prism CIA former employee.

Published by the London daily the guardian had quoted the leaked report said that US Spy uses a variety of methods including find the microphone secretly [beijing]. a list of documents 38 embassies and missions goal targets IE. newspaper said in its report that spying against each unique for the target methods is described. these electronic communications mediums Not with the microphone that arrives by way of a special antenna conversation capture. it says that traditionally the ideological differences and sensitive Middle Eastern countries were involved in the Embassy target. in addition to these EU embassies in France, Italy and Greece with the embassies of Japan, Mexico, South Korea, India and Turkey as many u.s. allies are also in the list of the countries Embassy. the document of September 2010 year In the UK, Germany or other Western European countries not named.

One of the ways that beijing was code named ' dropmayar '., according to a document of the year 2007 it is located Washington DC Embassy of the EU into the fax machine, according to the documents, the NSA was using the machine to the capitals of European countries to send the message of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.